My good friends Andy and Daemon are representing California Swim Run this May, they are training for the Utö SwimRun race on May 29th. The race is held just off the cost of Stockholm, Sweden and covers 45k of swimming and running. These seasoned athletes don’t eat pizza everyday but they realize that athletes can eat pizza and still perform at a high level
Check out this Men’s Health article on “Why Fit Guys Can Still Eat Pizza”
At Pacific Pizza, we use a thin crust with quality ingredients that won’t leave you feeling uncomfortably full. We want you to enjoy your pizza weather you are at a brewery, beer festival, birthday party or other private event.
We hand toss all of our pizzas and stretch the dough just right so you get a crispy crust which will hold up under it’s own weight. So no matter what your sport, pizza can still be a treat to enjoy from time to time.
Sean Durkin
Founder, Pacific Pizza
Rower, paddler, cyclist, SwimRun athlete and much more!